MSC INTERNATIONAL is a leading travel agency in Morocco that specializes in organizing and managing tourist groups from China, Korea, and Israel who are visiting Morocco.
Our organization is considered to be among the top Tour Operators in Morocco, having acquired extensive know-how by maintaining our passion for serving our guests in the best possible way. The level of skill possessed by the people involved in this activity is of utmost importance, and the team you deal with must be highly efficient and experienced. Our agency provides groups with all the necessary services, including hotels, transportation, meals, guides, and more.
Our name says it all - this is our concept! We are a local Moroccan travel agency with our office located in the heart of Casablanca. In fact, you are more than welcome to come say hello when you arrive! We also have stations in most of Morocco's major cities, such as Fez, Casablanca, and Ouarzazate - the gateway to the great Moroccan South. By buying a trip or a service from a local agency, you are engaging in a cultural exchange and showing your desire to have an authentic Moroccan experience.
In your communications with our international staff, Soukaina (local), Lylia (Chinese), and Park (Korean), you can already get a taste of Morocco before even setting foot there. Their deep knowledge of all things Moroccan allows them to suggest an infinite variety of tailor-made trips. Take inspiration from our example itineraries and let your imagination run wild!
There is no one more qualified to organize your trip to Morocco than a local Moroccan agency. By traveling with us, you are guaranteed quality services and the best advice on where to eat and what to do, far from the crowded tourist hubs.
Our knowledge of Moroccan current affairs (weather, cultural events, transportation, etc.) will prove invaluable during your trip. If you wish, we can hire a guide or an accredited interpreter for you, carefully selected for their competency and professionalism. However, traveling the local way does not mean taking more risks than you normally would. We adhere strictly to a legal framework that we respect to the letter.
We offer you a totally reliable and secure method of online payment. Additionally, through the GAN, you have access to travel insurance contracts that comply with our own terms and conditions. So, you don't have to be adventurous to go local!
모로코를 방문하는 중국, 한국, 이스라엘 관광객 단체를 전문적으로 맡고 있는 모로코의 현지 여행사 (MSC INTERNATIONAL)입니다.
저희 여행사는 고객에게 최상의 서비스를 제공하고자 하는 열정으로 다양한 노하우를 축적해 왔습니다. 25년간 축적한 경험, 노하우 및 서비스 정신으로 무장해서 고객과 긴밀하게 소통하며 능동적으로 대처하고 있습니다. 저희 여행사는 고객분들께 모로코 여행에 필요한 호텔, 교통편, 식사, 가이드 등 필요한 모든 서비스를 제공합니다.
저희는 카사블랑카 중심부에 사무실을 두고 있는 모로코 현지 여행사입니다. 한국인으로서는 모로코 문화관광부로부터 유일하게 여행업 라이센스를 받은 공식 여행사입니다.
저희와 함께 여행하시면 양질의 서비스와 맛집과 즐길 거리에 대한 최고의 조언을 보장받으실 수 있습니다.
여행사 대표 박광수
MSC INTERNATIONAL 是一家为旅游团队和游客提供摩洛哥本地地接服务的专业旅行社,我们的服务具有以下显著特点:
2. 全面服务:我们的服务范围涵盖了旅游和本地生活的方方面面。从酒店、餐厅、导游、包车服务,到商务考察、专业陪同、视频拍摄、团队建设、会议和展览承办,再到本地特色活动如高尔夫、热气球、马术、骆驼骑行、滑翔伞等等,我们可以帮助您在摩洛哥实现所有这些。
3. 灵活响应:我们的预订团队位于卡萨布兰卡,同时在中国设有办事处,全年无休,24小时全天候接听客户咨询或解决团队问题,确保您随时得到支持。
4. 定制服务:只需告诉我们您的出行日期、天数、目的地城市、预算和特殊需求,我们将根据您的要求为您量身定制最合适的方案。
5. 卓越性价比:我们与摩洛哥当地的酒店、餐厅、租车公司等各类服务提供商建立了长期稳定的合作关系,确保您不仅享受到最有竞争力的价格,还能获得卓越的服务。
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